It’s that time of year again. The leaves are gently turning gorgeous shades of pumpkin and gold and you’ve got a great way to spend a relaxing, stress-reducing weekend.

Getty: Camille Tokenrud

Getty: Camille Tokenrud

Whether you pack the kids and partner into the car, hop on your bike, ride the rails or take a walk, this is the perfect time of year to just enjoy the outdoors before winter sets in.

Make it an event. If you live anywhere in the eastern part of the United States, you can enjoy foliage close to home, but if you have a little extra time for an adventure, check out Fodor travel’s guide to the 10 Best Foliage Trips in the U.S.  Every destination is absolutely beautiful this time of year.

Get serious. OK, believe or not, there is an official Foliage Network. Click on for fun, or grab the kids and grandkids so that everyone can learn something new. This website not only teaches you why the leaves turn, but it also offers a nationwide foliage report, lessons on how to preserve leaves, advice on foliage-friendly lodging, photos and a look at webcams from all over the country, so that you can check out the view from coast to coast.

Create something memorable. These 25 Craft Ideas using fall leaves as a theme may not only give you something fun to do on Sunday afternoon, you may knock a holiday gift or two off your list. Bonus: You’ll burn a few extra calories collecting the perfect specimens for your leave projects.

Whatever you do, don’t let these gilded days pass without spending at least one, long, luxurious day in the great outdoors.

About Fierce Fridays — Tips for Weekend Well-Being

We each cherish those precious days off at the end of the week, but increasingly those of us who are charter members of the sisterhood of the stressed and overworked are losing our Saturday and Sunday leisure time to weekend work and domestic duties.

To make sure that you do something every weekend that’s just for you, we’ll be sharing a little advice to make those 48 hours a great time to recharge your batteries, bring a little good news into your life, or discover a quick and easy way to improve your health.