The lazy days of summer can quickly go from relaxing to incredibly boring. Don’t waste another Saturday dragging around the mall (you know you don’t need another designer bag). Instead, tap into your spirit of adventure and try an intense sport for an afternoon or a short getaway.
If you need an extra reason to ramp up your activities and try something new, experts at the Scripps Research Institute in Florida report that engaging in short, intense bursts of activity or exercise does more than just burn a few calories. A high-powered workout actually transforms your body over the long term, lowering your blood sugar and increasing both your muscle mass and your ability to lose weight.
Check out the site Women’s Sports Meetup to find a group to keep you company. Here are a few suggestions for some fierce fun:
Hit the hiking trail. This is easy, inexpensive and you can tailor the hike to your interests and fitness level. Your local state park or wilderness area is a great place to begin, but take a friend. Don’t go it alone.
Do some serious cycling. We do not mean meandering along your local bike trail. Hook up with a group of cyclists who go the distance. Or try mountain biking. There’s bound to be a place to rent a bike near you, if your two wheels aren’t up to speed.
Climb the walls. Look for a local indoor or outdoor climbing wall, or if you are in great shape, find a local rock-climbing group.
Take to the water. If you’re lucky enough to live near a beach or lake, try something new. Kayaking is one heck of a workout. Or take a few surfing lessons. A professional can teach you how to ride the waves.
Make it a getaway. For a really great experience, invest a little more time in discovering a new activity. Try committing to a GirlTrek experience. Visit the site and sign up to challenge yourself. You might also get in touch with companies that specialize in women’s adventure travel, such as: Call of the Wild: Adventure Travel for Women or Adventure Women.
Whatever you choose, be safe, go the distance and have a great time!
About Fierce Fridays — Tips for Weekend Well-Being
We each cherish those precious days off at the end of the week, but increasingly those of us who are charter members of the sisterhood of the stressed and overworked are losing our Saturday and Sunday leisure time to weekend work and domestic duties.
To make sure that you do something every weekend that’s just for you, we’ll be sharing a little advice to make those 48 hours a great time to recharge your batteries, bring a little good news into your life or discover a quick and easy way to improve your health.