Dr. Ro’s Emotional Eating Plan: How to Understand What’s Eating You

If you feel you made a mistake, acknowledge it and learn from it. (Photo: JGI Jamie Grill)

Step 4: Do a Gut Check

Around 15 minutes after you eat, take a moment to examine your feelings on the choice you made about whether or what to eat. Do you feel satisfied and peaceful? Or do you feel guilty and shameful? Did you continue eating when you were full, or did you stop after consuming a reasonable amount?

If, after 15 minutes, you feel unhappy with the choice you made, reflect on how you might have acted differently, but do it with a positive spin. Remember that the goal here is to learn from your mistakes.

I do not want you to to beat yourself up for making a poor choice; all that will do is bring you down and lead you to even more emotional eating. If you feel you made a mistake, acknowledge it and learn from it. Make a note in your food journal of any lessons you may have learned from the experience .And then, move on.