Back in the day, you never thought your sex drive would shift into a lower gear. Or maybe the drive is the same, but you just don’t get as busy as you used to. Whatever the reason, it’s time to get back in touch with your inner sex goddess. She’d love to come out and play more often. So, what’s holding you back?FierceGoddess

If you’re thinking that there aren’t enough hours in the day to juggle all the things on your to-do list that wear you out, it’s time to put sex higher on the list. Bonus: researchers at the University of Maryland found that sex may make you smarter. It boosts the growth of neurons in the brain, and of course it burns calories and  reduces stress. Start with cultivating a sensuous and a sexy state of mind.

Here’s how:

Focus on being fierce and fearless. You know how some of us talk about making love to our minds? For women, passion begins in our heads and our hearts. Put more passion in your life (or bring it back). Show your confidence by always being unapologetically you.

Clear your calendar. Make time for work and play. The work will always be there, so add more “me time” to your life — not just for sex, but for all the things you enjoy. Try something new and thrilling. Nothing gets the blood pumping like an adrenalin rush. As they say, exciting people do exciting things.

Trade the big-girl panties for something sexier (or at least basic black). A lingerie designer for women of all sizes says that what you wear under your clothing is “a special little secret” that helps you walk around with a bounce in your step — at work and all day long. Dress for success on the outside; dress for sex on the inside.

Take care of yourself. The better you feel; the better you’ll feel about sex. Stay fit, healthy and energetic. Create a home spa to pamper yourself regularly. Get enough rest.

Spruce up your sanctuary.  Fill your bedroom with things that stimulate the senses — color, silky and luxurious bedding, sensual scents, sound, soft lighting or candles. And banish the TV. Clear any clutter or distractions so that it can truly be a haven where you and your partner can connect and concentrate on each other.

About Fierce Fridays — Tips for Weekend Well-Being

We each cherish those precious days off at the end of the week, but increasingly those of us who are charter members of the sisterhood of the stressed and overworked are losing our Saturday and Sunday leisure time to weekend work and domestic duties.

To make sure that you do something every weekend that’s just for you, we’ll be sharing a little advice to make those 48 hours a great time to recharge your batteries, bring a little good news into your life, or discover a quick and easy way to improve your health.