
Child Please by Ylonda Gault CavinessCHILD, PLEASE: How Mama’s Old-School Lessons Helped Me Check Myself Before I Wrecked Myself

By Ylonda Gault Caviness

Ylonda Gault Caviness says she was raised on P-Funk and chicken wings by a “straight-no-chaser mama” whose “expert” advice was a “beat-down glare and five simple words: ‘Don’t. Make. Me. Hurt. You.’” Her memoir, CHILD, PLEASE: How Mama’s Old-School Lessons Helped Me Check Myself Before I Wrecked Myself, offers a witty look at motherhood today and back in the day. While Caviness attempted to do things her own way, she discovered — like many of us — that motherwit works and that you can’t go wrong if you “act like you’ve got some sense!”

Publisher: Tarcher/Penguin Random House

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