The Monkey on My Back: Breaking a Generational Curse
By Debbi Morgan
If others treated you the way that you treat yourself, would you feel loved? In her deeply personal memoir, The Monkey on My Back: Breaking a Generational Curse, Emmy Award-winning actress Debbi Morgan answers with a resounding “Yes!” Perhaps, best known for her 30-year tenure as Angie Hubbard on “All My Children,” South Bronx-raised Morgan charts three generations of women caught in a vicious cycle of abuse. Told with intense candor, explosive emotion and laugh-out-loud healing humor, readers will learn how she broke the pattern of pain to emerge as a fearless, joy-filled and confident woman. If there is any truth to the old wives tale claiming that dimples are evidence of having been kissed by angels, then just one glance at her cover photo will leave no doubt that Morgan was predestined to be more than a conqueror.
Publisher: Simon & Schuster/Infinite Words
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